Saturday, April 28, 2012

Breathing Causes And Cure

Breathing makes you to feel that you are alive. Breathing is a natural phenomenon. But it also may be with artificial oxygen gas. Means of saying is to be with the world you will be inhaling of oxygen available in the environment and exhaling of Carbon Dioxide in the environment. There is an easy, fast "test drive" you can take to realize the power of breathing, which will give you an experience of what Arne is speaking about, called "Taking a breathing snack." Through this exercise you will have a physical experience that is a safe experience of your heightened Life-force. Follow the     Breathing PPT to be master the power of breathing takes proper guidance.

Breathing PPT allows you to make understandable about breathing problems and their causes. Arne goes on to explain, "Unlimited Breath teaches you to let go of the "brake" on your breathing, so you can enjoy a happier, more successful life. Normally, we only breathe minimally, enough to "get by", but we aren't aware of it. This is called sub-ventilating, and you breathe below your potential capacity. Through Unlimited Breath, your practitioner helps you let go of the "emergency brake" on your breathing. When you let go of sub-ventilating, first the increase of energy, passion and aliveness surprises you, then it becomes exciting to get fully engaged with your life. Soon, you also notice that your health improves and it becomes easy to live your dreams."

What is Natural Breathing? 

That powerful breath is the technique of Natural Breathing, which I learned to do in both private sessions and the Unlimited Breath workshop. When you jog, you are emotional, or deeply relaxed, you're breathing changes; you are breathing more than you normally do, you are thinking less, and you are more "aware." This is similar to the basic concepts of Natural Breathing. Natural Breathing happens when you relax and surrender. When you are relaxed and don't do anything with your breathing, it does something for you.
What is so special with Natural Breathing?

Natural breathing is like cleaning up your engine's carburetor and putting a bigger muffler on your car. The airflow increases and the car accelerate faster and run more efficiently.

Breathing PPT focuses about how to breathe in a manner which will you keep strong and healthy. What I love about Unlimited Breath is that it restores natural breathing. Taking in more oxygen enhances the metabolism in my body, energizes me and makes me feel more alive.
What I learned is that at different times of my life, such as a car accident that I was in as a child, I got the breath knocked out of me. This confined my breathing and in turn contracted my life, as the experience got held in my body and I started to sub-ventilate, to avoid the feeling that I associated with my accident. With Unlimited Breath sessions I am expanding my breathing capacity, and releasing the blocked experience, and increasing my enjoyment, excitement and success, living life more fully.
Rebecca from Des Moines says, "My biggest problem was that I used to see myself as a victim of life, where everything was inflicted upon me, with no hope for something better. Through Unlimited Breath my breathing has become easier and I can breathe deeper. I now feel empowered and energized." 

To Know More Go Through These Links:

Breathing powerpoint presentation

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